I wrote senator here in Washington, Patty Murry, about why I thought that she should ensure the radio telescope Arecibo's funding. Arecibo just discovered a rare asteroid with orbiting moons. Continued funding for the observatory is threatened. She wrote back to me:
"Dear Mr. Benac:
This is but a small example of how an exchange between a constituent and a representative brings space policy to the mind of your legislator. Be sure that you do your part to impact American policy for good.Thank you for contacting my office. Your thoughtful comments regarding the Arecibo Observatory were very informative. I will certainly keep your thoughts in mind as they are greatly appreciated.
Representing the state of Washington in the United States Senate is a solemn responsibility, and matters which come before this body must be decided not in haste, but through thoughtful deliberation. I believe that one of the most cherished aspects of this process is the regular exchange of hopes, thoughts, ideas and dreams between elected officials and their constituents. These relationships of participatory democracy make up the best parts and are often the fondest memories of a public servant's career. Please be assured that I will keep your views in mind.
Again, thank you for your comments. I hope you will stay in touch.
I hope all is well in Renton."
Dont just read the news. Do something about it.
Email, Fax, Call, and Visit your Congressmen about the 2009 NASA Budget, the COTS program, The Space Prize act, or any number of other vital programs with uncertain futures.
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