Monday, February 11, 2008

Science Debate Invites Sent out

"Dear Candidates for President of the United States: We invite you to participate in Science Debate 2008, a presidential candidates debate about issues in science and technology policy that are vital to the future of America. . ."

This invitation was sent out to Hillary Clinton, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, and Barack Obama. It was accompanied with a petition with many thousands of signers of individuals and institutions who supported the debates.

Now it is time to ask the candidates to accept this call.

  • Email, Fax, and call Obama at (866) 675-2008 and tell him to participate
  • Email, Fax, and call Huckabee at (800) 871-6320 and tell him to participate
  • Email, Fax, and call McCain at (703) 418-2800 and tell him to participate
  • Email, Fax, and call Clinton at (703) 469-2008 and tell her to participate
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    I am a postdoc at Johns Hopkins and I think "Science Debate 2008" is a great idea. It is really unfortunate that they have decided to exclude one of the five remaining major-party candidates due to their arbitrary definition of "viability": Ron Paul. Maybe with the news that Ralph Nader is running, they should extend invitations to both Ron Paul and Ralph Nader.